Major milestones until the General Conference

  • 31 Jul 2022: Member Proposals / Statutes changes; FAI Executive Directors nominations
  • 30 Sept 2022: Final Agenda
  • 14 Oct 2022: Deadline for registration

budget process

Creation & preparation
Until October

- The Secretary General prepares the budget for the Executive Board (EB)


- Submission of budget v1 (to get started and identify areas of improvement with the new accounting tools)

- Addressing questions; refinement and adjustment based on the input (Commissions with Secretariat)

- Executive Board meeting

- Feedback to Commissions (improved guidelines, outcome of 1st round)


- Submission of updated budget v2 (refined budget)

- Executive Board meeting

- Feedback to Commissions (outcome of 2nd round)

- Refinement and adjustment, if necessary

- Submission and confirmation of budget v3 (final for the Conference)

At the General Conference

- The EB presents to the General Conference the proposed budget for the coming year and submits it to the approval of the Conference


- The Secretariat (lead by the Secretary General), implements the policies, business activities and projects outlined in the approved budget


- The EB monitors and controls the work of the Secretary General and provides budgetary limits

Second quarter of the year

- An independent audit examines whether the budgeting process is operating effectively. The results of the audit are communicated to FAI stakeholders

At the General Conference

- The EB presents the accounts for the past year and submits it to the approval of the General Conference

- The Executive Director, Finance, is responsible for financial matters, including budgeting and reporting on financial matters to the General Conference


- Budget positions are updated regularly to show a accurate year-end estimate, which allows corrective measures to adjust to unforeseen developments during the year