FAI - Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Maison du Sport International
Av. de Rhodanie 54
CH-1007 - Lausanne

Telephone : +41 21 345 1070
Fax : +41 21 345 1077

Getting to the Maison du Sport International (MSI) by Bus
Getting to the Maison du Sport International (MSI) by Car


We invite you to use this form to communicate with the Secretariat.


If you are not an FAI Member (NAC): please use our general contact form.

Your function within your NAC
If you select a subject, your form will be sent automatically to the relevant staff

Note for people contacting us about the website:
If you wish to report a dead link, we ask you to please report the address of the original page which displays the dead link, and not the address of the target page which does not display as it should. This will help us to identify and solve the problem more quickly.