Contact the Anti-Doping Manager

Useful information

Whether you are a competitor, an event organiser or simply someone who wants to know more about doping and anti-doping initiatives

Here is all the necessary information you need.

General information

Alcohol and Air Sports Contests

Alcohol is legal in most countries. But it is also a powerful substance that can be subject to misuse or abuse. In large quantities, alcohol (called “ethanol” in scientific language) will seriously disturb sleep and result in fatigue the following day. Alcoholic drinks also contain various substances that can produce toxic effects on the human body.

High alcohol consumption causes dehydration, and the inevitable "hangover" will adversely affect performance in air sports. Many competitors choose to abstain from alcohol totally during contests, and that is a wise and legitimate choice. However, practical advice is needed as to what may be consumed while still complying with the WADA limit of 0.10g/l and remaining fit for air sport competition.

Units of alcohol are an inexact guide, because the definition varies between countries. However, in many countries there is also a legal limit of 0.50g/l for driving motor vehicles. 

This advice has been written for competitors but applies equally to all those involved in competition support and organisation.

Hypoxia and the use of oxygen

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List prohibits the artificial delivery of oxygen, but the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) mandates the use of supplemental oxygen to counter the effects of hypoxia.

WADA agrees that the health and safety of our athletes is paramount and does not consider the transportation of oxygen in an aircraft to violate anti-doping rules.

The FAI is therefore pleased to inform members that they may use supplemental oxygen in aircraft during FAI events. If you need any further information, please contact the FAI Headquarters.

At-a-glance guides

These leaflets can be reproduced by FAI members and event organizers. If you wish to receive the production file (or simply a high resolution pdf version), please contact the FAI Anti-Doping Manager.




  • Want to play an interactive computer game that tests athletes’ knowledge about anti-doping? Play the Play True Quiz!
  • Want to simulate a real anti-doping situation? Play the Play True Challenge! You will be presented with a series of conversations with your coach, teammates, doctor and many others and confronted with choices about doping and the consequences of your choices. The choices you make will have an impact on your ability to perform in the mini-game.

anTI-doping test Video

WADA Digital Library

The WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) created this digital library in an effort to make its information and education tools more accessible for stakeholders. When visiting the library, you can choose your status (like athlete or coach) and find all the appropriate information for your type of audience.

ITA educational webinars

The International Testing Agency (ITA) is partnering with FAI to organise in-competition testing at FAI air sports events and to follow up out-of-competition procedures, both activities on behalf of FAI. ITA covers important anti-doping topics through public webinars on Youtube.