The World Games 2025


China (People's Republic of)
07 Aug
17 Aug 2025

Qualification process



  • Download the Men Selection List (24 athletes qualified) - Updated December 22, 2024 (pdf format)
  • Download the Women Selection List (8 women qualified) - Updated February 10, 2025 (pdf format)


The quota places are allocated to individual ath­letes by name (nominal qualification). Each FAI Member (NAC) concerned will be asked to approve their athlete(s) qualified for the TWG 2025.

According to the TWG Qualification System Principles, the qualification system must give an equitable opportunity for the best ath­letes to participate through a fair and trans­parent process, as well as to ensure global representation. The last shall be reflected in the qualification system through represen­tation from as many continents as possible. By qualifying the athletes, FAI shall seek to achieve a satisfactory balance between competitors’ positions on world ranking lists and the fair representation of as many as pos­sible of its member nations from at least three different continents.

To be accredited to participate, every athlete must possess a valid FAI Sporting License (discipline Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling).

Reference ranking lists - The men and women reference ranking lists will be based on the results of the following FAI events:

- 2024 World Drone Racing Championship in Hangzhou, China (WDRC)

- Drone Racing World Cup events for the 2024 calendar year.

The two reference ranking lists (men and women) will be established by considering the points obtained by the competitors participating in the above events.

For each competitor, only one Drone Racing World Cup event per organising country will be considered (higher number of points for any organising country in which the competitor has scored in two events). The total score considered to establish the reference ranking list will the sum of his(her) best three event’s results (numbers of points) including, where appropriate, the WDRC. In the situation of a tie for any placing in a reference ranking list, the place in the World Cup ranking will be considered to split the tie, and then if necessary, the best result (number of points) obtained in a World Cup event.

Points will be allocated for each event depending on the number of competitors who have effectively flown in the event.For more details, see the document "TWG 2025 - General information & Qualification process for Drone Racing" which may be downloaded in the "DOCUMENTS" section.

Qualification of the athletes

First stage

- One (1) athlete for each gender (male and female) will be qualified per country.

- Will be qualified the best ranked competitors from the men and women reference ranking lists by respecting restriction to one athlete per country for each gender.

Note: Regarding the men reference ranking list, only the 50 higher placed competitors will be considered for the qualification. This number may be, where appropriate, increased.

- The qualification of each athlete will be official as soon as the athlete confirmed his interest to participate, NAC concerned has approved the participation, and subject the athlete hold a FAI Sporting License valid for the TWG 2025 period.

- In case a qualified athlete is finally not in situation to participate for any reason, the next best ranked competitor on the reference ranking list concerned will be retained for the qualification subject to respect for each gender the restriction to one athlete per country.

Note: According to the previous provision, when a qualified athlete is not in situation to participate, the reserve athlete who will be considered for the qualification will not be necessarily from the same country.

Second stage

In case the provisions defined for the first stage do not permit to qualify the required number of athletes, a second male gender competitor from a same country will be qualified by following the ranking of the 50 higher placed competitors in the reference ranking list. If this is not still sufficient, a third male gender competitor of a same country will be then qualified in same conditions.

The possibility to qualify a second female gender competitor from a same country will be eventually considered by taking into account the women reference ranking list. Another possibility will be to reallocate the slot(s) for male gender competitors.

Wild cards

People’s Republic of China being the TWG 2025 host country, Aero Sports Federation of China (ASFC) may propose one male and/or one woman athlete to participate with a wild card subject no athlete for the gender concerned may be considered for China with the qualification provisions stated above.

CIAM may also offer up to 3 wild cards to athletes from countries not represented in the gender concerned with the qualification process stated above.