FAI Drone Racing World Cup
FAI Jury
According to FAI Sporting Code Volume ABR paragraph B.4.3, the 3 members of the FAI Jury for an Open International event (including World Cup contests) must be from at least two different nations and have a common language.
One or two jury members may be nominated from among the competitors. An alternate jury member must also be nominated to serve on the jury to cover the situation of a protest involving a competitor jury member.
The members of the FAI Jury must be chosen so that the jury meets the requirements of two different nations and a common language at all times.
The FAI Jury shall remain independent of the organiser to enable it to enforce the rules of the FAI and act as an independent arbiter in disputes between the organiser and the competitors. So, the officials in charge to run the competition (Event director - Race director - Starter) and the pilot's judges are not permitted to be FAI Jury members.
The FAI Jury President must submit a report within one month of the contest. The report signed by the President of the FAI Jury must be transmitted to the World Cup Coordinator as soon as the contest is finished.
- Download the FAI Jury President Report Form