Search found 10 items
15 Oct 2016
Team Mélanie Astles is four-time French aerobatics champion who made the transition to Red Bull Air Race this year. Flying as part of the Challenger Class, the training class of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship, she is the only women competing on the circuit. Melanie, we met you back in Abu...
12 Jan 2016
The 2016 Challenger Cup promises plenty of surprises for 2016, with three new contenders in the eight-pilot field. New for 2016 are Mélanie Astles, a five time French aerobatic champion who has earned top ten rankings at World and European levels. She is the first woman ever to compete in the sport...
15 Oct 2017
Melanie Astles (FRA) became the first female pilot to win a Red Bull Air Race when she won the Challenger Class at the Red Bull Air Race in Indianapolis. The win came after she was fastest in Qualifying on the Saturday. When bad weather meant the racing was cancelled on the Sunday, the results...
11 Aug 2016
The rolling green fields of southern England will form a unique mid-season contrast for the pilots of the Red Bull Air Race as they meet in Ascot, England for the fifth of eight races on the international circuit over the weekend of 13-14 August 2016. Famous as an equestrian racing track, this is...
16 Oct 2017
The FAI, World Air Sports Federation, congratulates the winners of this season’s Red Bull Air Race 2017. The Red Bull Air Race World Championship ended in superb style this year, with three winners celebrating long after the final weekend’s racing had finished in Indianapolis, USA. Japan’s...
