FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

01 Apr 2020

Test Event Cancelled for the 2021 FAI World Paragliding XC Championships

Although all parties within the organising committee (COPROJ) tried to stay optimistic, the Covid-19 pandemic is ruling out the competition that should have been the test event for the 2021 World PG XC Championships, in Chamoussey, France, from May 23 to 29, 2020. 

•    Confinement in France is prolonged at least until April 15
•    Pilots of all nations may lack the possibility to travel
•    Pilots will lack the training to make sure the expected 120-glider event will be safe
•    As per France’s requirements, we cannot rule that the event is ‘necessary’

The event is cancelled, not postponed. 
The CIVL has agreed that the World Championship will take part next year although without a test event being run.

COPROJ thanks the volunteers who were ready to get involved, and the private and public sectors that supported us.
We will now refund the entry fees, negotiate new contracts, pay our debts.

Our thoughts go to each of you and to your families. Stay safe.