FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

07 May 2019

PG Worlds 2019 - 1st allocation round

The organisers under control of CIVL have finished the 1st round of allocation for the 16th FAI World Paragliding Championship in Krushevo, North Macedonia.

Initially, we had 285 pilots from 50 countries, but as not all fit eligibility criteria the selection finished with 150 participants distributed between 48 countries that lead to 3-4 pilots in a team on average. Some countries though managed to send only 1-2 pilots.

The allocation results are published on the competition website: http://pgworlds2019.mk/first-allocation/

We invite NACs to pay for the participant ASAP and send the payment to the organizers in order to secure their place before May 12th, 2019. 

Applications with fees paid, but not received or confirmed by the deadline will be refused. After the payment deadline, the allocation table will be updated, any unpaid places being reallocated in the second allocation round.

Payment details can be found here: http://pgworlds2019.mk/entry/