FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

20 Sep 2017

CIVL Report to FAI General Conference

As every September, CIVL President is requested to report to FAI General Conference on the commission activities. Here is this year's report.


CIVL Report to FAI General conference


Reported by: Stéphane Malbos, President


1. Important activities, projects or events since last FAI General Conference:  


In 2017, we had 358 Second Category events (359 in 2016, 383 in 2014 and 2013).

Paragliding Cross Country and Aerobatic and Hang Gliding are stable, Paragliding accuracy is slightly on the slow.

(Our statistics differ slightly from FAI’s. When a single event includes 2 or 3 different classes of gliders, it is counted as 2 or 3 competitions, not 1.)


In 2017, we had 4 World championships, all successful:

–World Hang gliding Cross Country (Class 1) in Brasilia, Brazil (131 pilots, 26 nations).

–World Hang gliding Cross Country (Class 2) in Aspres-sur-Buech, France (9 pilots, 3 nations).

–World Paragliding Cross Country in Monte Avena, Italy (150 pilots, 47 nations).

–World Paragliding Accuracy in Vlora, Albania (147 pilots, 28 nations).

A very interesting diversity.

Big efforts on media. The mandatory use of live tracking devices in our First Category competitions added significantly to risk management and publicity/marketing, with the latter area being a fertile area for opportunity and growth. In Accuracy, we need to develop an instant scoring system.

To be noticed: 

–A lot more nations in Accuracy and in Paragliding Cross Country First Category events, but in our ranking system slightly fewer pilots in all disciplines.

–We had to cancel a World Hang gliding Cross Country Women championship for lack of competitors.


We also ran 5 test events:

–European Hang Gliding Class 1 Cross Country in Macedonia.

–PanAmerican Paragliding Cross Country in Brazil.

–European Paragliding Cross Country in Portugal.

–Asian-Oceania Paragliding Accuracy in Thailand.

–European Paragliding Accuracy in Serbia.


We had our Plenary in Salzburg, Austria, also successful (45 delegates and assistants).Bureau and Committee Chairs were elected without opposition by acclamation: there is a strong feeling that people in charge are doing a good job and this is encouraging.

CIVL created its own certification program for paragliders, CIVL Competition Class (CCC). 2015 and 2016 saw the first CIVL certified gliders. The second version was implemented in 2017 and is again successful with pilots, manufacturers and safety records. Next version will be implemented in 2019.

Paragliding Cross Country and Accuracy will be a discipline of the 2018 Asian Games, an event owned by the Olympic Committee of Asia. It has been a struggle for CIVL to be involved. One test event ran, one to go. We hope that next year events will be successful.

Paragliding Accuracy is developing fast. A lot of work – still going on – has been dedicated to reorganise the discipline (rules, requirements for databases and equipment…).

CIVL hired an Administrator. The aim is to build a sustainable CIVL where the administrative and communication work are ran on a day to day basis by a paid person, as counting on volunteers only has proved to be not always efficient.

CIVL has created its own Facebook page. It is successful so far. We are in a trial period and haven’t decided if we would keep it or not.


2. Positive and negative results:



–Cat 1 and Cat 2 events still going strong.

–First Category Events level of organisation. More nations represented.

–Very strong world ranking system in all disciplines.

–Paraglider CCC certification program successful.

–Development of software (change initiated).

–Stability in Bureau and Committees.



–The way we got involved in the Asian Games.

–Development of software (along way to go).


3. Main problem(s) encountered and solutions adopted:


Contradictory politics led by NACs concerning the FAI Sporting Licences, what they are for, how they are delivered. Solutions to be found at the highest FAI level.

How we score Second Category events in our World ranking system. Rules are unclear and problems arising. To be addressed later by the CIVL Bureau then Plenary.

General reset needed in Paragliding Accuracy: revising of judging training programs and qualification system, control of Second Category events, Officials database. Actions going on.

CIVL software scheme. Scoring software not satisfactory. A new collaboration agreement with a flight instrument manufacturer should be signed soon.


4. Planned activities and projects for next year:


Business as usual.

Follow closely the Asian Games.

In Cross Country, find out how to use live trackers better in Cat 1.

In Accuracy, revise many aspects of the rules. Develop a scoring software.


5. Proposals (if any) to FAI Executive Board, FAI Head Office or for the next General Conference:


None others than current issues being discussed.


6. Free reporting:

ASC administer their disciplines. They work hard to build up safe, fair and satisfying competitions. FAI rules should state clearly that they have to be involved and agree on decisions concerning their disciplines.



Date: August 25, 2017