FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

12 Apr 2017

1st Asian Oceanic PGA Test event – Local regulations are published

Local regulations for 1st FAI Asian-Oceanic Paragliding Accuracy Championships Test Event are published on official website. The event will take place at Pattananikom, Lopburi province of Thailand. Event dates are 22nd – 28th May 2017.

The competition is organized by the Royal Aeronautic Sports Association of Thailand (RASAT) that works a lot on the development of the sport not only in the country but whole Asian-Oceanic region.
Local regulations are made in accordance with Section 7 Common and 7C of the FAI Sporting Code with one exclusion – no insurance will be provided by the organizer. Please read the local rules carefully and get prepared respectively. The deadline for entry fee payment is April 30, 2017.

Competition web site: http://www.1stfaopac.com/
Link to local regulations http://www.1stfaopac.com/rules-and-regulation/