13 Dec 2012
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Mrs. Balési-Rousseau on 7 December 2012.
18 Dec 2012
In the frame of the FAI anti-doping plan and following the information given at the FAI General Conference in Turkey, the agreement with SportAccord for providing services and support the FAI in its Anti-Doping Plan has been signed by Jean-Marc Badan, FAI Secretary General and Vincent Gaillard,...
04 Feb 2013
Following their meeting this weekend in Lausanne, the FAI Executive Board members visited Château d'Oex and the annual International Balloon Festival.
27 Feb 2013
The FAI has today announced that the Human Powered Aircraft (HPA) Icarus Cup 2013 has been sanctioned by the FAI as an FAI 2nd Category Event. This is the very first time that this sport has featured in the FAI Events Calendar.
08 Apr 2013
FAME, the marketing arm of FAI, the World Air Sports Federation has signed Memorandums of Understanding with the FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) and the FAI Hang-Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL).
22 Apr 2013
The FAI has released a new publication, the 2012 FAI Annual Report, designed to present the most notable achievements, developments, facts and challenges of the past year. It is meant to be a reference book for all those who are interested in air sports events and the FAI.
