10 Apr 2024
FAI has ratified both European and World records made by the French pilot Clement Latour in summer 2023. On his Enzo 3, he has beaten the record of out-and-return distance reaching up to 311, 1 km. Moreover, he has made it at a speed of 35,16 km/h thus beating the record of the speed over out-and-...
10 Apr 2024
Bulletin 1 S&A and CF World Championships, Prostejov, Czech Republic From August 31st to September 6th this year, the following World Championships will be hosted by Jump-Tandem Skydiving Center in Prostejov, Czech Republic: 38th FAI World Style and Accuracy Landing Championships 12th FAI World...
12 Apr 2024
12 April marks the celebration of International Day of Human Space F light, a n occasion that commemorates remarkable achievements and advancements in space exploration by humankind . It was created in 2011 at the United Nations General Assembly in dedication of the first crewed space flight made...
