02 Feb 2022
CIVL Plenary 2022 has awarded the 6th FAI Pan-American Paragliding Championship to La Rioja Argentina. The proposed dates are 5 to 12 October 2024. The event will be organised by CADEA / Confederación de Entidades Aerodeportivas together with Martin Romero Garayzabal and Marco Escudero from...
02 Feb 2022
Pegalajar will host the 17th FAI European Paragliding Championships. The CIVL Plenary awarded this event to Spain. The event is planned to take place on 16-24 June 2024. The event is organised by the Royal Spanish Aeronautical Federation, the Club Centro de Vuelo Pegalajar together with the...
10 Feb 2022
FAI Hang gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL) annual plenary meeting took place in Belgrade, Serbia, from January 27 to 30, 2022. The meeting was also live via Zoom with participants who had travel difficulties or were busy with competition activities. The meeting was also attended by the FAI...
