08 Feb 2022
The 1st FAI World Paragliding Junior Championships will be held in Tolmin, Slovenia 18th till 31st of August, 2024. The event is organized by Letalska zveza Slovenije and Klub letalcev Triglav. According to the decision of the CIVL Plenary Junior age will be considered up to 26 years old. Slovenia...
08 Feb 2022
Test event for 23rd FAI World Hang Gliding Class 1 and 9th FAI World Hang Gliding Class 5 Championships will take place in Krushevo, Macedonia from 7th to 13th August, 2022 . CLICK TO REGISTER The championship is happening in the best period of the year for this flying site and is run by the...
08 Feb 2022
We just released FS 2022 R1.0, which implements the task distance definition as requested by the 2022 CIVL Plenary, and also introduces pre-defined categories as a way to make score keepers’ work faster and easier. In most competitions, besides the overall scoring, we also produce various category...
