12 May 2022
In a couple of weeks, the Test event of the 18th FAI World Paragliding Championships will take place in the Chamoux-sur-Gelon in France. We have spoken to Julien Wirtz a local pilot and n4 in World paragliding XC ranking* about the peculiarities of flying there. The next PG Worlds will take place...
10 May 2022
The Balloon Live Team is very excited to announce the release of a major update and new version of the FAI Balloon Live app. The new version has been completely redesigned and rewritten to offer an even better pilot experience and optimal in-flight features: A brand new user interface design with a...
09 May 2022
The 116th FAI General Conference, scheduled from 1st to 3rd November 2022, will take place online. The event was originally planned to be organised by FAI Member the Aero Sports Federation of China (ASFC) and the Wuhan Municipal Government in Wuhan. However, the continuing uncertainties posed by...
08 May 2022
FS 2022 R1.3 was just released. This version includes fixes of bugs that prevented Elapsed Time tasks to be scored. The package can be installed from http://fs.fai.org/trac/wiki/FS2022R1.3
