10 Mar 2023
CIVL Plenary 2023 unanimously approved Martin Jovanoski (MKD) and Kamil Konecny (CZE) to co-chair the Paragliding Accuracy Committee. Martin has been elected to the chair of PGA in 2021 but midterm he invited Kamil to cooperate on sports development. The last plenary has agreed on this concept...
09 Mar 2023
At CIVL Plenary 2023 the newly elected Bureau has nominated Fabio Loro (ITA) to become the new CIVL Safety officer. A paragliding pilot since 1990 Fabio Loro also has some experience as a hang glider as well. He stopped competing before the GPS era and now is completely engaged as a paragliding...
09 Mar 2023
CIVL Plenary 2023 has confirmed Alexandra Grillmayer (HUN) and Theo de Blic (FRA) as co-chairs of the Paragliding Aerobatics Committee. They have taken the duty last year (midterm) after the resignation of the previous chair Claudio Cattaneo and now Theo and Alexandra were officially elected to...
09 Mar 2023
Thomas Senac started flying a paraglider almost 30 years ago, and has rapidly volunteered for the French Free Flight Federation (FFVL), both at local and national levels. Today he is the President of FFVL Paragliding Committee, thus dealing with training topics, and with all kinds of paragliding...
09 Mar 2023
CIVL Plenary 2023 unanimously approved Cristiano Pereira (POR) as the Chair of the Paragliding Cross Country Committee. Paragliding since mid-90s Cristiano participated in many World Cups and Cat 1 events. At some point in his flying career, unsatisfied with existing options, being an IT engineer...
