
Water landing poses significant dangers for paragliders and is considered one of the most perilous situations that can occur during flight. We will aim at highlighting the equipment dangers associated with water landings, the different types of landings that can occur, the potential risks based on the type of water, and essential mitigation measures to enhance safety.

Equipment Dangers

Tangled Lines

During water landings, there is a risk of getting hands and feet tangled in the lines. This can occur within seconds and may impede the pilot's ability to escape or maintain control in the water.

Harness Design

The design of the harness is crucial during water landings. The presence of a back protector, which often doubles as a floatation device, can lead to an unfavorable floating position, with the pilot facing downwards. If the water is deeper than an arm's length, this positioning can be fatal as the feet float upwards, potentially submerging the head unless the pilot can find a way to keep their head above water.


If there are no obstacles in the vicinity, it might be a good idea to consider removing the helmet. However, it's important to exercise caution as a rescue boat attempting to reach you could accidentally strike you on the head.

Types of Landings

Controlled Ditch

Controlled ditching usually occurs when the pilot has sufficient time to prepare for a water landing. This may happen while descending under a reserve parachute or if the pilot has been blown offshore. In such cases, it is advisable to unbuckle all but one harness buckle and aim for a landing where the canopy will not be pushed towards the pilot, although achieving this can be challenging.

Uncontrolled Ditch

Uncontrolled ditching happens when the pilot does not have enough time to prepare for a water landing. This typically occurs when descending rapidly and without warning, leaving little opportunity to take appropriate measures.

Almost Made it to Shore

This scenario involves the pilot mistakenly believing they can reach dry land without preparing for a water landing. It is considered one of the most dangerous situations, as the pilot may not be mentally or physically prepared to ditch safely.

Types of Water (Lakes, Rivers, Oceans)

In the case of a controlled ditch, water type plays a significant role in the potential risks associated with water landings. Water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and oceans present varying risks. Even small waves can increase the likelihood of immediate entanglement, while landing near moving water can result in being dragged in uncontrollably. Beach landings with waves crashing onshore are particularly hazardous and often fatal.

Landing in Still Water

When landing in calm water, like a lake or pond, it is crucial to avoid landing into the wind. Landing into the wind can have several undesirable consequences, such as the glider being blown back towards the pilot and becoming entangled in the lines. Additionally, it can cause the glider to remain inflated, leading to the pilot being dragged backward and potentially submerged underwater. To mitigate these risks, it is highly recommended to land with a tail or cross wind.

Landing in a River

When landing in a river, it is crucial to align the landing trajectory perpendicular to the flow of the water. This approach minimizes the risk of the canopy and its lines being pushed towards the pilot by the river's current. By positioning the flight path perpendicular to the river flow, the pilot can effectively counteract the force of the water and reduce the chances of entanglement or submersion.

Careful evaluation of the landing spot is essential when landing in a river. Choosing a section of the river with slower or calmer currents is recommended to reduce the impact and increase the chances of a safe landing. Avoiding rapid currents or areas with obstacles is crucial, as they can significantly elevate the risk of injury or entanglement.

Throughout the landing, the pilot should maintain control over the canopy, preventing it from collapsing.

Beach Landings with Waves

Beach landings with waves present unique challenges and risks. Pilots should prioritize landing in the dry sand area to minimize potential hazards. When waves are present, it is important to choose a landing spot where the waves break farther from the intended landing zone. This allows pilots to land in an area with minimal wave activity, reducing the risk of being caught and pulled back into the water.

Mitigation Measures

To enhance safety during water landings, it is crucial to implement the following mitigation measures:

Carry a Hook Knife

Paragliders should always carry a hook knife, which can be used to cut away the glider if entangled, particularly when landing near moving water. This tool enables the pilot to quickly free themselves from potential entrapment.

Use a Suitable Life Jacket

When flying near bodies of water, it is recommended to wear a life jacket. However, it is essential to choose a self-inflating type with a buoyancy rating of 275n. This higher rating is necessary to counteract the buoyancy of the harness and ensure the pilot remains afloat effectively.


Water landings pose significant risks for paragliders, necessitating careful preparation and adherence to safety measures. By being aware of equipment dangers, understanding the types of landings, considering water factors, and implementing necessary mitigation measures, pilots can enhance their safety during water landings.