
  • To urge all international and national aviation authorities that the FAI, the World Air Sports Federation has special regard for the effects of any new airspace restrictions on the practice of air sports
  • To urge all FAI Members to establish procedures for constant close consultation on airspace matters between national civil aviation and air traffic authorities and national air sport governing bodies.


  • To show the Flag of FAI
  • To use the power of FAI to bring in the requirements of air sports on top levels
  • To have FAI Experts (Observers) at important international meetings of organizations such as ICAO, IAOPA, etc.
  • Where needed, to cooperate with experts of Europe Air Sports
  • To show to our members the FAI activities in airspace
  • To use the power of FAI to support our NACs, in order for them to bring in the general airspace requirements of air sports at the top level of the national aviation authorities

