08 Dec 2015

WAG 2015 - Day 8

Tuesday, 8th December

LIVE Results on this link


Stand Down for All Today due to High Winds

They are forecast to reduce during the night so we will have another announcement this evening for the morning.  Time to visit the shops!!

The team result that was missing from the Canopy Formations 4-Way Rotations 2nd round, was because the video had to be redubbed.  This was done today and judged so we now have two rounds completed in this event and it is going to be a tight one. 

Russia is leading on 22 points with Belarus and France tied in 2nd place on 20 poimts and Kaszakstan close behind on 18 points.  Unfortunagely the team from Great Britain's camera flyer suffered an injury during the training and they have had to use the services of a replacement camera flyer and it takes time to learn to fly with a team.

15.00 hrs The Schedule for 9th December 2015 was issued.  Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open and 4-Way Female are stood down until 7.15, 10th December - 8.Way and VFS are standby from 7.15 tomorrow morning.  Artistic Events, Freestyle is stood down until 7.15 10th December and Freefly is on standby from 7.15 tomorrow morning.  Canopy Formations, 4-Way Rotations are stood down until 7.00 10th December and 2-Way Sequential is on standby from 7.00 tomorrow..  The Speed Skydiving competitors are on Standby from 7.15 tomorrow morning - no days off for them.

The forecast is for the winds to moderate during the night - so we all have our fingers crossed for tomorrow.

ShoppingThe Mosque in the Old Town
Dowh at the Fort MuseumCoffee and a Brownie

 Time to wander in the Old Town of Dubai