04 Nov 2016

1st World Wingsuit Performance Flying Championships, Z'Hills, Day 1

Thursday, 3rd November, 2016 - SkydiveCity, Zephyrhills, USA

Today has been a day of official practice jumps so not only the flags were flying on the Drop Zone.  The final registration of teams was closed at 11.00 am and we can confirm we have 22 Nations competing with 63 Wingsuit Performance Flyers. 

At 15.00 hrs there will be a Competitors' Briefing, and providing the Jury give the official "go ahead" the Opening Ceremony will take place in the town of Z'hills at 18.00 hrs in the Times Centre, followed by a drinks reception in the Zephyrhills Brewery.

The forecast is good, as you would expect in the Sunshine State, so we have an exciting 3 days ahead of us - so do watch this space and the results on the Official Results site and the daily TV episode from our media partner Skydive-tv.  I know they are planning some really interesting programmes.  All you need to know about Wingsuit Performance Flying!

The Competitors' briefing was addressed by our host David TK Hayes who welcomed everyone to Skydive City, Zephyrhills, wishing all a safe and happy competition.  He also explained about landing out and advised all competitors to jump with their mobile phones having previously loaded the app he recommended - BurbleMe - which would alert the DZ to the problem and give your location - providing the DZ runs the software (a lot are today, including Skydive City) .  This was followed by a briefing from the Meet Director, Randy Connell and also the Chief Judge, Kate Charters, who used the opportunity to introduce her judging panel.  She then called on all the competitors to present themselves to the judging room for the helmets to be given up for the Protracs to be fitted, to be weighed and also for their suits to be inspected, noted and tagged.

At 18.00 hrs everyone met in the Square in the centre of Zephyrhills town, where a stage had been set up and chairs laid out for the Opening Ceremony.  Competitors were there in their Country's uniform and made the most of the stage and backdrop to take team pictures for their own Facebook postings.  David, our host, made another short speech, followed by Randy Connell, wearing his USPA hat to welcome everyone to Zephyrhills, a drop zone with a long history of competitions and to the USA and finally Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle, IPC President, declared the competition open and the FAI anthem was played.  Fifteen minutes and the evening continued in Zephyrhills own Microbrewery, with drinks and food provided by one of the competition sponsors, Aerodyne. 

Wheels off for the first task - 8.00 am tomorrow morning - with a good forecast for the day.  The plan is to complete 5 tasks in the day.

Queueing outside the Judges Room

David TK Hayes & John Smyth FAI ControllerCompetitors Briefing
Randy Connell, USPAThe Audience