FAI Medico-physiological Commission (CIMP)

About the FAI Medico-Physiological Commission (CIMP)

The FAI Medico-Physiological Commission (CIMP) has been created to study the medical and physiological factors that influence human performance and behaviour in the air sports environment. CIMP stands for "Commission Internationale Médico-Physiologique".


The FAI Medico-Physiological Commission meets once a year at an Annual Meeting to to attend to specialised reports, make recommendations and approve statements..

Each FAI Member Country may appoint a Delegate with the right to vote at the Plenary Meeting.


Between annual meetings, the FAI Medico-Physiological Commission is run by the Bureau, which consists of the President, 2 Vice Presidents and the Secretary. The Bureau is elected by the Plenary Meeting.

The Bureau is elected during the annual meeting of the FAI Medico-Physiological Commission.


Each FAI Member Country can appoint a Delegate to the FAI Medico-Physiological Commission and participate in the work of the commission. The CIMP delegates are usually physicians who are also sport flyers.


Go to the Documents page to browse documents on medico-Physiological matters.