20th FAI World Hang Gliding Class 2 Championship

Aspres sur Buech,

26 Jul
06 Aug 2017
06 Aug 2017

Manfred Ruhmer (AUT) - 7th time HG Class 2 World Champion!

20th FAI World Hang Gliding Class 2 Championship, which focused our attention at the airfield of Aspres-sur-Buëch in Hautes-Alpes, France, 
has come to an end. The current world champion Manfred Ruhmer, has confirmed his champion's title and for the 7th time in a row became Class 2 HG World Champion.

8 Tasks from 153 to 319 km sometimes under wind reaching 40 km/h with strong thermals and strong dust devils. Pilots of Class 5 competition that was run in
parallel with Class 2 HG Worlds often had to get a Cancelled day watching Class 2 haltering the wave.
Throughout the competition, the three leaders were Manfred Ruhmer (AUT), Steve Cox (SUI) and Jacques Bott (FRA). The rivalry between Manfred and Steve was most acute 
but the misfortune to land out in the final decisive Task 8 put Steve also out of the podium - he is 4th. 
Manfred who has not left podium place number 1 since 2002 is very likely to set a new World record with that.

Overall results

You can find final results here https://www.mondialdepul2017.com/medias/files/overall-11.html
Facebook page of event here https://www.facebook.com/ADPUL/
Cometition website here https://www.mondialdepul2017.com/