17 Apr 2014

Main decisions taken at the 2014 CIACA Annual Meeting

On Sunday 13 April 2014 the members of the FAI Amateur-Built and Experimental Aircraft Commission (CIACA) gathered in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Future competitions

FAI World Air Games 2015: CIACA agreed to instantly start working on the FAI World Air Games and the involvement of the Commission including nominating a liaison-contact once the decision had been taken regarding this competition.

Sporting Code

After transfer from CASI, CIACA now “owns” the control of S13 (Solar-Powered Aeroplanes). The draft-document had been worked on by various experts from within and outside this Commission during the past year. With majority (3 abstain) the adoption of this Sport Code was carried.

Section 13 of the Sporting Code is especially important because one of its first challenges is to cover the upcoming “Solar Impulse 2” record attempt planned for 2015. It can be noted that CIACA President Alfons Hubmann was deeply involved in the creation of Section 13.

Catherine Dartois will continue heading the Competitions group. Her presentation on “CIACA Sporting Codes” triggered a detailed discussion on which aircraft / which types of competition should be seen as Sporting Code subjects.

Following some upfront discussion in the FAI Head Office on the drafted Sporting Code Section 13, FAI Sports & Marketing Director Markus Haggeney pointed out that the size of the task to maintain a Sporting Code is significant. It is not only about records, but also – at a later stage – about defining disciplines for competitions, defining and maintaining the class structure, monitoring the quality of sanctioned events, sending officials to these events and more.

There was general consensus to focus air sport activities which are realistic to be covered. This – for the time being and following 2013’s principal decision – is "electrical" / solar-powered.

New Technologies

Hermann Eigner, Chairman of the New Carburants & Technologies Sub-Committee, lead a discussion about the huge potential offered by technological advancements. The “fuel cell” plane is a major step towards the development of emission-free big airplanes. 2-seater hydrogen-powered planes are already flying (consumption 1kg H2 for 100 km), a 4-seater expected within the next 2 years. Electrically driven planes are limited by technological and also legal implications. The future is without a doubt “hybrid”.


The Henri Mignet Diploma was awarded to Olivier Millioud from Switzerland. 
The Phoenix Diploma was awarded to Michel Porchet from Switzerland.
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Bureau Elections    

President: Alfons HUBMANN (SUI)
1st Vice-President: Catherine DARTOIS (FRA)
2nd Vice-President: Hermann EIGNER (AUT)
Secretary: Elaine FECHER (GER)

Subcommittee Chair(wo)men    

SC Education & Social Initiatives: to be confirmed
SC New Carburants & Technologies: Hermann EIGNER (AUT)
SC Competitions: Catherine DARTOIS (FRA)

Next Meeting    

The next meeting of the Commission will take place in Friedrichshafen, Germany, on 19 April 2015. This will be the 40th Annual Meeting of the Commission.