11th FAI World Paragliding Accuracy Championship


North Macedonia
07 Oct
16 Oct 2021
25 Jul 2021

Local rules of PGA Worlds 2021 are published

The local regulations of 11th FAI World Paragliding Accuracy Championships were published on fai.org and the competition's website. The event will take place 04th – 16th October 2021 in Prilep, North Macedonia. It is organised with paragliding Clubs Extrema and Delta with the support of the NAC of North Macedonia.

The entry deadline will be 05th August 2021.

The list of pilots who are representing NAC must be sent by the NAC or their official representative to the organiser. The deadline is 05th August 2021.

Only pilots that are approved by their NAC will be considered for allocation. The list of pilots who apply for the competition will be checked on August 06th, 2021. Applications from pilots who are not eligible will be disregarded.

The first allocation round will be made on August 6th. Each team will be allocated a maximum of 2 male and 2 female pilots. Subsequent passes will allocate to each team another pilot in sequence according to the nation priority table until a total of 130 pilots are reached or no more applications are left.

Results from the first allocation round will be published on the official website and the entry fee payment process will start. The deadline for payments will be August 13th 2021.

After the payment deadline, the team allocation table will be updated. Any unpaid places will be re-allocated in the second round on August 15th. The second round will run until a total of 130 pilots are reached or no more applications are left.

The deadline for the second payment will be August 20th 2021.

In the case where 130 pilots are not allocated in time, the allocation deadline may be extended until the start of the competition.

Learn more:

The local rules file is here.

The competition website is here:https://airtribune.com/accworlds/info