2024 FAI World Championships in Formation Skydiving, Artistic Events & Wingsuit Flying - CANCELLED

Bar Yehuda,

30 Oct
05 Nov 2024
13 Oct 2023

IBD 2023-05, World Championships in Israel cancelled

The World Skydiving Championships of Formation Skydiving, Artistic Events, Speed Skydiving and Wingsuit Flying were scheduled to be held in Bar Yehuda, Israel from October 29th to November 6th, 2024.   The ISC Bureau has issued an Interim Bureau Decision (IBD-05) regarding these Championships, as follows:

Following the declaration of state of war by Israel and in view of the impossibility for the Organiser to continue preparations, the Bureau questioned whether it was possible to maintain these events.   Discussions were held with the Organiser and FAI Secretariat and concerns regarding FAI's obligation to ensure athlete safety were also raised.  The ISC Bureau unanimously, and in agreement with the Organiser, took the decision to cancel the event for 2024 and to seek (an) alternative host(s) for the four Championships.

Delegates have been informed and were given the opportunity to bid for one or all of the events during a short time frame ending on November 15th.