17th FAI World Para-Ski Championships


27 Feb
02 Mar 2019
28 Feb 2019

Day 2 - Thursday, 28 Feb

Skiing day of the World Paraski Championships 2019

A video review from first competition day (Wednesday) is here: https://www.airzone.tv/ms-v-para-ski-2019-sestrih-1-soutezniho-dne/

The second competition day was dedicated to the skiing competition. An early morning for all competitors with the ski lift starting 07.15 according to the schedule that was published yesterday evening.

Due to spring temperatures and still blue skies with bright sunshine, the snow became softer by the hour, so the Meet Director announced a decision would be made before the start of each run. This will be done by the FIS delegate, Bohumír Zeman, who is a former Czech FIS race winner and very experienced trainer.
While the qualification run was conducted as planned and the first race finished, the snow conditions did not allow the start of the second run. 

So at the moment the interim results at http://results.worldskydiving.org/FrontEnd/CompetitionCollection/1022 are based on the five jumps and one skiing run. This is sufficient for a valid championship and medal awards, but of course there are still 1 ½ days left. 




A team leaders' meeting is scheduled for tonight at 20.00 where the official program for tomorrow will be given by the Meet Director Martin Gabla.


To be continued on 3rd competition day. 

Some details about Para-Ski scoring with less than the full program completed:

  • As described before, one second behind the winner of each round equals 3 cm in accuracy landing. 
  • But if the weather conditions do not allow to complete more than 3 rounds of accuracy and two runs of skiing are done, the skiing points are only used with 50% and points are re-calculated at the end of the championship. If there are more than 3 rounds in AL competed, but only one skiing run is possible, the points from skiing are doubled (i.e. 6cm for each second behind the ski winner).
  • All intermediate results are calculated as if the full program is completed (which is what all officials work for), just at the end of the championship, if a situation as above occurs, the skiing points are doubled or divided in half.