24 Jul 2024

International parachute elite head to Austria for 2024 Skydive World Cup Series

Between 23-25 August, the city of Thalgau, Austria, is gearing up to host the 2024 Skydive World Cup Series Austria, welcoming the global Skydiving Accuracy Landing community. Top-tier skydivers will aim to hit a target the size of a coin, from nearly one thousand metres above ground.

This year, as in the past, the Austrian edition of the Skydive World Cup Series is set to be a highlight among the seven World Cup events. Approximately 200 competitors from 23 different countries have signed up, aiming to score crucial points in the World Cup season.

The hometown heroes from HSV Red Bull Salzburg are looking forward to potentially securing another podium finish in Thalgau, bolstered by their previous strong performances. The Salzburg athletes are set on gaining significant points and medals in front of their own home crowd.

Edition 2022: Sophie Grill - credit: HSV Red Bull

Both the enthusiastic participation of the athletes and the welcome from the visiting crowds evidence Thalgau’s reputation as one of the most popular venues in the World Cup circuit. The combination of top-level competition and an engaging supplementary program solidifies HSV Red Bull Salzburg's home event as the premier stop, especially for those eager to view Salzburg's local skydiving talent.

Organized by HSV Red Bull Salzburg in partnership with the Thalgau tourist board, the community, local associations, and the Austrian Armed Forces have all contributed significantly, making the Thalgau World Cup a standout event for international competitors and their coaching teams.

An assortment of evening activities complements the lively daytime athletic events, guaranteeing entertainment for guests of all ages. Along with activities tailored for children and a special military-themed day, family-friendly fun is a sure bet. The evening "Flying Parties" continue to be a tradition, where athletes enjoy festive celebrations in the local town square, full of traditional Austrian fare, music and dancing.


Thursday 22 August:
Arrival of the teams in Thalgau and first training jumps

Friday August 23:
8am: Official start of the World Cup Series in parachute accuracy landing, followed by competition jumps
7pm: Airshow by The Flying Bulls and Official opening ceremony, plus evening entertainment at the Thalgau market square

Saturday 24 August:
From 7.30am: Competition jumps
From 10am: Military presentation and display helicopters
From 8pm: Flying party*                             

Sunday 25 August: 
From 8am: Final day of competition jumps
3pm: Award ceremony

*Plus award ceremony if weather prevents Sunday competition jumps.

Credit: HSV Red Bull Salzburg, Manfred Laux

Top picture: Joachim Knauss - credit: HSV Red Bull Salzburg, Manfred Laux