23 Aug 2016

6th World Canopy Piloting Championships, Farnham, Canada, Day 2

Round 1 - Speed

Follow the Results Live Here

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Tuesday 23rd August 2016

18.30   Unfortunately the winds have not dropped sufficiently, given the direction from the south and over the trees, so the competition has been called for today.  We all hope for a good start early tomorrow.

18.15   Buzz makes a 15 minute call for the first aircraft load as conditions have improved and we are now ready to make those last three loads to complete Round 1, Speed.

17.30    Our 'friendly' Meet Director announced that those who have made a jump today (not those scheduled to rejump) are released for the day.  Everyone else is still on Stand By.  Tomorrow the bus will leave the hotel at 6.00 with a wheels up planned for 7.00.    

17.00   So everyone is back on the DZ (having taken the chance to go back to the Hotel or visit the local shops and ice cream parlour), to be told that we are on Stand By for the time being.   The winds are still over limits but dropping slightly so fingers crossed we will get the 3 loads needed to finish round 1 Speed.  As a result of the problems this morning there are a total of 19 rejumps - they will go first and then the balance of competitors who did not get to jump this morning.

13.15   If anything the winds are worse!  So everyone is Released until 17.00 hrs - back on the DZ then for further information and hopefully to complete the round.

10.40  At the Competitors' Meeting Buzz and Bjorn confirmed that smoke and flags would be used should it be necessary to close the course again.  Everyone is Released until 14.00 hrs.   There is now a notice board at the hotel - to the right of the elevator - and a notice will be published there at 13.15 giving information based on the situation then.  When jumping restarts there are a total of 19 rejumps which will be manifested first - due to sensor failure and the closed course.

9.00    Everyone is on Stand By -  The winds increased and behind the treeline this causes a lot of turbulence at the entry gate and through  the course, so the aircraft was told to stop dropping - unfortunately by the time the message was given the last jumpers had left - so there was some excitement as some pilots ignored the lit flare at the entry gate and continued to run the course.  

Our friendly Meet Director has just announced a Competitors' Meeting at 10.30 in the packing hall. 

Skydive TV - worth watchingWave off and flare


8.00 and the first 15 minute call is made for Speed.  After the weather yesterday morning we drove to the DZ full of hope with blue skies and low winds - only to find when we arrived that the winds were not as low as first appeared and they were coming from the South - so no Accuracy.  The course was then set up for Speed and by 8.00 everything was ready and working.  The first call was made.  

Below are a selection of photographs taken at the Farnham Reception, First Competitors' Meeting and the Opening Ceremony