23 Aug 2013

23/08/13 Day 1 Cheboksary, Russia

4.00 Parachuting was abandoned for the day (a huge thunder storm arrived) and it was necessary to prepare for the Opening Ceremony. 

Unfortunately I was premature in my announcement that results would be posted "live" as at other First Category Events attended over the past couple of years.  Due to unforseen problems and complications this will not now be possible.  However, I will post the results (unofficial - of course) as they are posted on the DZ and when they are finally signed off by the Chief Judge at the end of the Competition these will be available in PDF form on our usual results page.

Before the end of the day, the German team protested with regard to problems with the pad and their protest was upheld, so they will rejump Round 3 Accuracy Landing.

The Opening Ceremony  consisted of speeches, however I don't know of another First Category Event at which the Prime Minister of the country it is being held in, and senior Ministers of that state attend and speak - including, of course, Sergey Milnikov still enjoying the memory of his Tandem Jump.  Presentations were made to famous parachutists from the Chuvash Republic, including Maja Petrovna Kostina, Style World Champion 1974 and 5 Times on the Podium at a World Championships, . Graeme Windsor thanked our hosts, the organisers but mostly the competitors for making the effort to travel so far and attend these competitions.  The ceremony ended with the anthems of Russia, Chuvashia and the FAI.  We then had a short display of local dancing and singing, followed by flag jumps, a demonstration into the arena and a low level static line dispatch display.  Fortunately the rain held off throughout the whole ceremony.

3.30  Accuracy put on Standby due to the weather conditions - rain!  3 rounds of Male accuracy completed (results will be up shortly) and 1 round of style Female and Junior.

12.30  Provisional Style Results, Round 1 - Juniors and Female published on linked article below.

10.30 The Competition is well under way. The happiest man on the Drop Zone has to be Silva Gilson from Brazil. He took two days to arrive here - Brazil, UAE, Moscow, Kazan, bus - arriving at 12.30 last night. He came out to the airfield and registered as the 15 minute call went out for the wind drift indicator load. His call came soon after as he was on the first load for accuracy - his first jump in Russia at a World Meet and he scores 0.00 - a very happy man.

At the Team Captain's meeting last night the jump numbers were distributed and questions clarified.  The draw for the Style sets is:

Round 1  .... Sequence 2

Round 2 ....  Sequence 4

Round 3 ..... Sequence 3

Round 4 ......Sequence 1

This morning we start with Junior Style and Female Style.  The aim is to complete three rounds of Junior and two of Female by lunch time.  Meanwhile we start the Male Accuracy.  After lunch the men will do style and the Juniors and Females Accuracy.  At 16.30 the programme ends and we make a quick trip back to the Hotel to change for the Opening Ceremony here on the DZ at 17.30 followed by a welcome party and then back to the Hotel for dinner as usual.

The sun is shining, it is going to be a hot bright day.  Once we sort out the transfer system the results will be available on the IPC Results page - so follow the link.