16 Mar 2025

2025 CIVL Elections

Elections for the CIVL Bureau and Committee chairs were held at the 2025 CIVL Plenary.

Bill Hughes (USA), standing for re-election as President, was unanimously approved by the delegates.

CIVL's longest-serving Vice President, Igor Erzen, stepped down from the Bureau following his election to the FAI Executive Board. Consequently, he also relinquished his role as president of the Slovenian NAC. Igor will remain active within CIVL, serving as Records and Badges Officer and continuing his contributions as a Jury member or Steward at some FAI Category 1 free-flight events.

CIVL and FAI appreciate Igor's significant contributions to the development of air sports, and he was awarded the FAI Air Sports Medal in recognition of his decades-long dedication and outstanding service.


For the four available positions of CIVL Vice Presidents, five candidates stood for election: Jamie Shelden (USA), Goran Dimiskovski (MKD), Zeljko Ovuka (SER), Fabio Loro (ITA), and Brett Janaway (GBR). A secret ballot was conducted through the Electionrunner platform. Jamie Shelden, Goran Dimiskovski, and Zeljko Ovuka were successfully re-elected, and Fabio Loro was elected as the new 4th Vice President.

Cristiano Pereira (POR) stood unopposed for the position of Secretary, and Andy Cowley (GBR) likewise faced no competition for Treasurer. Both were confirmed by acclamation.

All but one Committee chair were re-elected. Martin Jovanoski (MKD) decided to step down from his position as PGA Committee co-chair and was replaced by Andy Cowley. Andy's commitment and extensive contributions to the development of Paragliding Accuracy—including seminars, judging, and training officials—are widely recognized. Kamil Konecny (CZE) retained his role as the other PGA Committee co-chair.

The chairs for the other committees remain unchanged:

  • Hang Gliding Committee Chair: Jamie Shelden (USA), who also continues as Jury and Steward coordinator.
  • Paragliding Cross Country Committee Co-Chairs: Cristiano Pereira (POR) and Fabio Loro (ITA), with Fabio continuing in his role as Safety Officer.
  • Paragliding Aerobatics Committee Co-Chairs: Theo de Blick (FRA) and Alexandra Grillmayer (HUN).
  • Paragliding Hike and Fly Chair: Thomas Senac (FRA), who also continues as Environmental Officer.