07 Nov 2016

1st FAI World Cup in Wingsuit Acrobatic Flying, Z'Hills - Day 1

Monday, 7th November 2016

10.00 The first aircraft took off with the first four teams and this latest discipline in the IPC calendar is underway.


There is a lovely atmosphere on the Drop Zone as the eight teams taking part in this 1st World Cup board the aircraft with it all to fly for.

The draw for the Competiton was made and posted at 9.00 this morning as all competitors had agreed, at the competitors briefing last night, to waive the 2 hour period from the draw until the first lift.

11.30 am and the first round has been judged.   The results should be appearing on our results site very shortly and Skydive-tv are also working with the scoring system provider to give us the videos live once judged, as well as the daily episode from this event.  Teams are being called to the aircraft for the second round.

At the end of the first round we have:

1st   USA1 with 295 points : 2nd  GBR with 281 points and 3rd FIN with 268

Round 2 is a compulsory round, and it will be interesting to see how this affects the rankings.

With only 8 teams the competition is progressing at a fast pace, although the usual afternoon clouds may slow things down a bit.

We now have the scores for Round 2:

USA1  571 - USA 2 551 - FIN 526 - SUI 490 - GBR 477 - RUS 464 - USA3 - 420 RSA - 412

and Round 3 have jumped and are downloading their videos now.

Below is last episode from Skydive-tv of the Winsuit Performance Flying World Championships


The last round of the day has jumped and it is not yet 17.00 hrs.  Round 3 has been judged with no change to the first three places, but the first round 4 score (another compulsory round) is being scored with the Swiss team scoring 300 points, equalling the score of USA2 in round 2.  The highest score so far for any round.  Congratulations.  The DZ TV has a good crowd around it, using the Omniskore Juke Box system to watch their own acrobatic flight.   By tomorrow all the videos will be available on Skydive-TV for all to watch.  This is an amazing new discipline with a very high level of skill and control being shown by each team competing here.