18 Aug 2013

18/08/2013 Banjaluka, BiH

Day 5     

Throughout the competition - Live Results available - follow this link

Videos available on YouTube - follow the link and the Playlists. 

After the excitement of yesterday today is clear up day and prepare for the Competitors Meetings, scheduled for 15.00 hrs this afternoon in the Hotel Bosna in town.  The transport to the DZ for the closing ceremony will leave at 17.00 hrs.  Today Fay and I are working at loading all the remaining videos to YouTube and then titleing them and adding them to the Playlists - it will take some time!

I will add comments and pictures from the Competitors Mseeting and the Prize Giving and Cclosing Cceremony later, for now I wish to thank the Organisation for all the help and support they have provided Fay and I.  Thanks to Fay for her patience and expertise and to OmniSkore!HD, i.e. Ted and Tim Wagner for their unfailing support and knowledge.  Speaking with the judges both panels have told me how much they have enjoyed this competition and the team esprit and work of their Event Judges and the Chief Judge, it has certainly been a "good vibes" 5 days here in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Teams already training for the next European Cup and World Meet as we move on to Cheboksary in Russia.