10 Mar 2017

16th Para-Ski World Championships, Austria 2017 - Day 4

Friday 10th March 2017:

09.00 htrs

Para-Ski Results on this link


16.20 hrs  Only 5 more teams to jump to complete the round. That will be it for the day, leaving 3 rounds and the final for tomorrow - and a good weather forecast!


16.40 hrs   Round 3 is completed.  Congratulations to the organisation for making the best of what we had today. 


15.30 hrs   First jumper lands from the WIDi load - so we have the altitude and we can start round 3 Accuracy. The first jumper is the Single Starter Jiri Cerny, followed by The Netherlands Team, then Mixed Team 1 followed by the Russian Female team.   At least I am sat in a warm office just down from the target area whilst 'Casi' is working with the camera.

9.00 hrs 

Yesterday's weather is still with us this morning, but the organiser is hopeful that we will be able to continue with the next accuracy rounds, and so we are all making our way up the mountain to DZ 1 for 10.00 a.m.

Watch this space ....  The Reality of Standby

15.00 hrs

Having had a standby from 10.00 to 12.00 then again for a further hour - finally at 13.30 hrs the decision was made to move down the mountain to the lower DZ and prepare that in the hope the clouds lift enough to make the 3rd round of Accuracy.  It takes about 1.30 hrs to set up the target. 

Tonight there is a Competitors' Meeting scheduled for 17.00 hrs at the Hotel in the Competition Meeting room.