The 72nd ISC Plenary took place in Bucharest, Romania, and via Zoom,  from 27-29 January, 2022.    This was the first Plenary that was organized as a Hybrid Event.   126 Delegates, Alternate  Delegates, Official Observers and guests gathered across the world, 31 of whom were present in Romania.   A total of 47 NACs were represented at two days of Open Meetings and three Plenary Days.  The many participants from the four corners of the planet who participated via Zoom are to be commended as many stayed up throughout the night to attend the meeting.

This year’s Plenary marked the first time that Delegates had the opportunity to get together in person for two years.   All who were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Romania remarked that meeting in-person was superior to attending a virtual meeting.   

At the start of the Plenary an introduction and presentation was given by Mr. Adrian Prisecaru and Mr. George Radoi of the Romanian Aeronautical Federation.  Also, FAI Secretary General, Mr. Markus Haggeney, reported on the activities of the FAI in 2021 as well as on-going FAI initiatives.   Gillian Rayner, ISC President, presented the work of the ISC Bureau in the past year, which was followed by reports and presentations by each of the Committees and Working Groups.  

Other items of note included the vote to present Brian Pangborn, of the USA, the Leonardo da Vinci Award for his work with the Canopy Formation community, as well as the acceptance of four bids for upcoming First Category Events.   They included WS & SP in Prostejov, Czech Republic in 2023, CP in Eloy, Arizona in 2024, IS in Belarus in 2024, and AE, FS, WS & SP in Israel in 2024.    

This was an election year.  After the vote, all Bureau members from the previous two years retained their positions:  Gillian Rayner - President, Elisabet Mikaelsson - 1st Vice President, Rina Gallo and Aliya Ananina – Vice Presidents, Gail Bradley – Finance Secretary and Vera Asquith – Recording Secretary.

It was not only the number of participants that made the meeting so successful, but also the interest and input that was constantly present during the Plenary.   What came across strongly during these intense days of presentations and discussions was how the sport of Skydiving is evolving.   Most Committees have implemented rule changes that reflect advancements in technology, as well as improvements that benefit not only the competitors, but also the Judges and the viewing public.    

The ISC Bureau and Delegates would like to thank Cristina Stenzcel, Delegate, Simona Stan, and the Organising Committee in Romania for hosting this successful Plenary.   It was a huge challenge for the Bureau and the Organising Committee in Romania to implement this first- ever hybrid meeting.  Planning and executing an event of this magnitude is not easy.  

The 73rd ISC Plenary will be held in Malmo, Sweden, at the Scandic Triangeln Hotel on 25-29 January, 2023.   

To view photos click here:  2022 ISC Open Meeting and Plenary Photos